
Maybe someone here knows the answer to this . . . when I post to sites that use the Facebook social plugin for comments (TechCrunch for example) it always displays my job title and company after my name. I don't hide that information ordinarily, but when I am posting a public comment I don't want it to look as if it

Agree with Andromedid, how about some princesses who are scientists or heads of state, and by that I mean not solving international crises by waving their breasts around.

"I mean, they could have haunted the protagonists at 11:11 AM, but it's hard to be spooky at brunch."

Link to Facebook app haz broke? Anyone else?

If you fully commit to his line of "reasoning" and slide full speed down the slippery slope, you end up with an argument that in effect says: Observed FTL particles, therefore nothing in science can be trusted.

"it's simply the most coherent answer"

I admit, I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this because I am still getting used to how you operate within Google+. You can "follow" a circle?

I did not like the Joker's character in this movie, I thought Jack captured the character much better. One of the core characteristics about the Joker is that he genuinely believes in the joke—that the joke is funny, literally. He *enjoys* what he does (in his own super-twisted way), and I *never* got the feeling,

"If there is a God and I live my life like there is a God, the consequences would logically be beneficial as I obeyed what essentially amounted to the rule put in place for the environment we live in. "

Maybe this is an "Ask a physicist" question, but if the universe continues to accelerate, uh, away from itself? at a faster and faster rate then what eventually is the end state? "tiny" ( in a cosmic sense) local clumps of matter that don't have enough energy to overcome the gravitational forces that hold them

Have you gotten a response yet? I, too, am interested on the turnaround. No text necessary in the subject or body?

+1. How is the Death Star more powerful than the wormhole weapon?? 2->4->16->64 etc. it. all. adds. up.

+1. How is the Death Star more powerful than the wormhole weapon?? 2->4->16->64 etc. it. all. adds. up.

Please please please don't let homeopaths get a whiff of this story. They'll all shout "MOLECULAR VIBRATIONS, WE ARE VINDICATED!!"

Finally figured out how to share stories. This is a great game.

Since IO9 is putting a spotlight on this app I hope you are satisfied that the folks creating and running this game are on the up-and-up, 'cause they're asking for *a lot* of access to your information on Facebook, and information of your friends that is visible to you.

"As they continue to work and live together, they come to realize this is no ordinary planet. Is there a bigger purpose at work?"

Might as well be Lucas in the Darth Vader suit at the end of the commercial . . . "There is no escape" . . . from Star Wars.

@SeraphX2: "How about he write out, proactively, an equation that predicts something that would be similar to a fish growing legs or whatever. Oh, wait, probably because we can't and have no proof it's ever happened. "

I am pretty sure that is the same animation program they use for Handy Manny on Disney. Looks very similar.