
If your kid gets eaten by a wolf, that’s on you, the parent, not the wolf.


This works great in a country where cars aren’t the primary mode of transportation for the largest amount of people. It’s no sweat off my back since I chose not to drive after doing it for 2 years in my late teens but seriously, you make things harder for people and then expect nothing but good outcomes? Cmon buddy.

Maybe in the US. Europe seems to not suffer too badly with their raw milk and their chicken eggs that can sit out at room temp.

And you just captured our modern problem - good people walking away from uncomfortable meta social situations and leaving it to the worst kind of hangers on.

And that’s bananas because the solution to having a 90 minute+ commute is so obviously not “well now you can watch netflix and leave the driving to someone else”. I live the life you are aspiring to, and let me tell ya, an extra episode of Marple a day isn’t making waves in quality of life.

An hour to watch CBS sitcoms. Yes, billions of dollars must be spent pursuing this technology that gives you back that time.

Okay, so I kept reading and this all comes down to freeing up drive time to be ‘entertainment’ time. Again, we have several companies pursuing a technology that boils down to “I don’t like driving, but i need to get somewhere, so perhaps I could be entertained instead.”

I think the bigger question is what need do autonomous cars fulfill.

Hippies to government: Try and stop us.

If I ever find out what I’m supposed to love about white culture, I’ll write a fucking epic tome about it. But it’s been 34 years and the Cracker Barrel and Crate and Barrel just doesn’t cut it. I wish my self-loathing alone could provide something useful but no, white culture is predicated on making the other guy

It’s not that weird. You see it all the time where hard liners want to shake the fence and get the remaining sitters to drop to their side. If it works you have more people in the fight, if it fails you know who your enemies are. Returns on this are dubious though - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but the

Oooof, harsh but true.

You hella wanted to get into this.

Yes? Like, either I’m getting physically hurt or in the defense of myself could hurt the other person. It’s not about physical intimidation, it’s about the notion of having hands laid on you because the other person sees you worthy of physical harm. That shit is scary.

Buckeye fan here - have you watched JT pass? It’s ummm’s not great.

“What food are you theoretically saying is better than chicken nuggets?”

Man, what were Michaels and Collinsworth doing calling this game?

Because dead dog test subjects are easier to cope with in trials.