
How many of these things happened in the last 5 years alone?

Spot on with the 2nd paragraph, reading Jez is an object lesson in this.

Interesting theory but being a bi-man who enjoys giving and getting head to both genders and has no interest in anal either giving or getting...I find it kind of wanting as a universally coherent theory. It also kind of makes women who enjoy PiV seem like naive hostages to a lie and you doubt the possible enjoyment of

It’s not being quick to conflate the two, it involves a type of work that requires selectively pruning your worst aspects and presenting your best. An incomplete picture that has a shot through selection. When I was young I tried my hand at a few different types of sales and I was miserable doing it - it was the exact

Having to convince people of your sexual worth isn’t fun. Having to persuade another person by downplaying your faults and playing up your virtues feels so fucking phony and almost like banging away at a game to win a prize.

I’ve done it (Said plainly that I was hoping we connected enough on the date personality-wise that sex wasn’t out of the question and in fact was a strong possibility. I was in my early 20s and not nearly as self conscious about telling people what I wanted but now think that would be kind of imposing and terrible).

Men generally are, well into adulthood, ego babies, myself included.

There should have been a note at the bottom for men

“All the men claiming this is hard are seriously blowing my mind right now. It’s only hard if you can’t stand the thought of not getting laid by the end of the night.”

Isn’t this what the actual ‘date’ portion of a date should be about? Explaining how you work to the other person? The things that make you tick?

Or if they are thinking with their dicks, they can go rub one out in the comfort their restroom and then take a nice nap afterwards.

So Gina Torres on Suits?

The quality of a band isn’t reflective of the value from participating in one. Like, are you going to tell your kid to kick rocks with a nascent musical interest because they suck at it and may never get better?

Obviously - they loved me, they took care of me, they taught me a lot of important lessons. But they were also workaholic baby boomers trying to prove their existential worth through grinding every ounce out of their careers. I had a lot of time on my own growing up.

Personally, that is one aspect that has radically changed between me and my parent friends - I keep doing my thing and they’ve had to make choices to scale back on dedicating time to practice and creation.

Whats shallow about creating art?

I don’t think that’s enough really - I had two decent people as parents and they were better at being decent humans than parents.

This happened about 22 years ago while I was doing “Outdoor Education” - basically the entire middle school class went and stayed in cabins for a week - food was prepared and served in a cafeteria style kitchen.

5 Lbs of oranges will make you vomit. Speaking from experience.

Children are too important to risk making mistakes you don’t even know you’re making. With music, humor, critique, and other outlets for our pent up creativity, errors are half the fun.