
It is harsh, yes. I think it’s equal parts being a musician and this kind of thing not being foreign or unknown and the other part is the special pleading that this is truly different than anything ever before.

I’m sure you can read Hamno’s opinions on the matter. From my mind to his fingers.

More like a volunteer soup kitchen making sure your volunteer meal is a bit smaller.

As a musician, this is everything. Nobody sheds tears for artists striking out on their own but somehow we’re supposed to turn our feels back on for those who elevate themselves to such a self important level.

If they live in the long term.

And lest you think you can fall back on those video editing skills guess how many other people who have entire life of that skill are applying it making big bucks? Plenty. And the roustabout youtubers are also flooding the field.

He might not consider himself as such but he keeps parroting opinions of a self identified one.

You’re right, it’s dimes.

And the net effect is they still aren’t making net profits on Youtube?

More like a busker asking the street sweeper to leave some coins on the ground for them, but okay.

“Ah, I am a streamer on youtube. That explains why I’m being shafted. That was a lot less work than I anticipated”

How many times does this need to be said:

1. I was in their position as someone who wanted to make music and write original songs

It’s difficult and demanding BUT...there are no barriers to entry beyond that. There are three or four gate keepers in youtube, twitch and they honestly don’t give a shit about the quality, only the quantity.

I can blame someone for taking a 3rd party marketing job under the guise of entrepreneurial spirit. This is an internalized lie that makes youtubers and twitchers feel like they are a cut above other employees of last resort like the maligned fast food worker.

He has his pulse on this 33 year old liberal nerd.

Thanks for always blogging what I think.

Michigan Man through and through

Real world. We have so many neologisms that its hard to tell sometimes.
