
Dak and Wilson and...

Your loss is our gain. Adios!

Sometimes its a bear crawl to integrity.

Pretty well, still have all my appendages with me. Don’t feel any tingling in them either.

Kentucky. It would be Kentucky without Chicago.

Are you fucking kidding me. The way you rural Illinois folk talk about urban Illinois folk is hilarious for how much projection goes on. Downstate Illinois might as well be Kentucky without anything redeeming about it. Without Chicago you’d likely be more economically dispossessed than Kentucky.

The most fun aspect for me isn’t that you can last so much longer in a drag down fight - it’s that you are using someone’s killer deck against them at opportune moments. For someone who doesn’t know how to organically create something good from the massive amount of cards available, being able to ape other people’s

Thief Priest is so fun though.

Hear hear - go ridiculous and have fun!

What are you? 12?

Heightened for effect - he’s the only one who can’t see his costume.

To me, Danny is just one of those people you want to punch for thinking like a kid at every opportunity. The character is supposed to be like that?

Nah - Danny Rand as a permanently stuck in facile prepubescent thinking is a demerit for Iron Fist. Any character with those attributes is going to drive anyone up a wall in due time.

I think more than anything else it’s that Danny starts a 12 year old, is a 12 year old and ends a 12 year old. There is nothing more grating than a self righteous adult with the faculties and motivation of a child...ahem.

So let me get this straight - the dude already had a history of not properly storing explosive materials...AT HIS HOME? Of course a guy like that is going to do something like this. He’s a hammer and the world is nothing but nails.

I had this haircut back in 2011? 2012? It was merely a stepping stone to luscious elven locks.

“1. Unless you’re here for “casual sex” stop telling me you’re “sick of the games”

Yes, that’s the fear.

Confederates - the forefathers of the participation trophy society.

You ever chop a cord of wood? Sure it seems like you’ve got a useless task ahead of you but you keep chopping and the cord gets smaller bit by bit. You might not chop it all in one day, you might not chop it in a month or a year but the cord grows smaller. If you’re tired of swinging the axe, pass it off to someone