
It’s a passive call to action: Heed it.

And deconstruction of why we re use media we are familiar with to avoid creativity.

I’m bout it.

I am here to confirm that he cheated on her. With me. In my dreams. It’s like looking into a younger mirror and I like it.

Yeah, Most of mine wrap up in 15-20 minutes or so but this was a memorable one that took way longer.

Take a spell, its going to be a long fight.

Now playing

We’ve had many winters - as much as it sucks to have to shovel the snow, it’s gotta be done.

I only picked up the game about 2 weeks ago and I went full in on gimmick decks. Just silly, ridiculous decks like Thief Priest where you wind up playing mostly the same as your opponent but with healing!

See, this here is the meat of the entire post - was it the right play? Is it a brittle play in that it can do wonders but has a few special cases where it backfires horribly?

It’s like describing an amazing play in sports. Some people like, you don’t.

Last night I had a 45 minute game due to me playing as a Card Thief Priest and my opponent having two copies of dead man’s hand which I subsequently stole. I wound up losing by refusing to concede despite not having anything in the tank (hey, that’s his punishment for fucking around with 2 dead man’s hands.)

Can you count on more than one hand, the amount of card games that are truly balanced according to the criteria you laid out?

So you have two major ways to approach the situation

Hey Nerds, fix your nazi problem when you can find some time in your busy schedule.

Sounds like your friend will find it funny when people are hanging from lamp posts.

They want to be Hugo Boss for the 4th Reich.

Now go to the neo nazi scum and tell them about all the non fair skinned...

The difference and this is a key one is the willingness to die versus the willingness to kill. I am ready to die.

They know what the fans want. Absurdity.

The cop’s velocity rendered that question moot.