
When you’re a money laundering stooge, you can build shit that falls apart and walk away no worse for the wear.

Same - build me a deck and I can do alright with it. Ask me to build a deck and I’ll build a complicated rube goldberg deck that can’t possibly achieve whatever I imagine it could.

Absolutely, there is projection going on with me here. It’s hard not to insert myself into the situation given the experience but I definitely am thinking 3-4 steps ahead of where he’s at and that’s my bad.

It’s about having gone through ED issues myself and running the gamut of advice and actually heeding much of it but it still not doing anything for the ED. At a certain point, all this well meaning advice becomes patronizing through repetition and the basicness of it.

Why isn’t all 69ing sideways?

It’s not dumb that our dumb big fleshy organ that we’ve learned the ropes of sexuality with on our own has great importance to us sexually. It’s not the end all and be all when it comes to sex but it’s still pretty important to guys, even   

I don’t know how to dismiss comments! I’m but a grey prole!

I know, it’s great advertising for what you will read in my comments. Some times. Depends on the context.

Or what?

People without dicks have great sex without dicks all the time. For people with dicks, not involving them at all to dance around an obvious issue that could be mental might not work. It’s worth a shot, but this isn’t a silver bullet answer except when it comes to her wanting more foreplay.

It’ll definitely help with foreplay but I’m not so sure about ED. As I said above, foreplay, especially long foreplay has diminishing returns for me in terms of arousal. In the instances where medication destroyed everything about me sexually, prolonged foreplay wound up with a satisfied wife and ED and premature

I feel like this is great advice for a person without boner issues.

Hey Fatty, you ever tried not eating garbage?

It’s the advice of someone who has never had a relationship that is a partnership.

Isn’t it just the worst? If mama aint happy ain’t nobody happy.

Not surprising - inspiration can do that.

So you’re embracing your borderline 4chan garbage.

A Maury Povich Defiant Teen Asshole

She’s obviously is playing the persona of a jaded online commentor.

I wonder how different the advice would be if he had cancer.