
Want your mind blown? There’s a remix of this one old freestyle song (can’t remember the name at the moment) where the only difference between the two is that the instruments are louder than the 12" mix. That’s it!

It’s all they have and for the dumb humps that vote for Republicans that’s all they need.

Shower time with Juri: Her monster hands won’t miss a spot.

So what the hell did you have and what was in the shot?

I was super wary of going on cruises too but...

They’re allowed to be, just spare us the public performance.

Eh, if it wasn’t Kylie, it’d be someone else to take down a peg or two.

It is almost criminal how much Liefield has influenced our comic’s consciousness and yet for hilarious unintended reasons - judicious overuse of hatching, pancake feet, etc etc.

The attitude didn’t arise out of nowhere. HD has been ramming its brand down our throats as the singular American motorcycle experience since time immemorial and this is the whirlwind it reaps.

Nailed it.

They split the difference and gave in to entitled gauche boomers.

Boomers like disposable trash. They know they won’t have to pick up after themselves.

That’s a very good point - Lac without being buttressed by the rest of GM’s brands and Uncle Sam is what? DOA.

George Lucas is so up his own ass about the bureaucracy of his universe he has an accreditation body in the Star Wars Universe...

15 Years ago, hell yeah. He’s 67 now...

Secondly is there a more Millennial piece of shit thing than ensuring your kids have ‘good taste’ in music? Cmon, your taste in music doesn’t matter.

Whats the point of having good taste in music if current music isn’t good. You can have great taste in wine and be stuck at the Kroger in Omaha with various selections of mediocre wine.

Good pizza and beer?

Hush, you’ll upset all the dumb humps in Indy that have a huge small market complex.

It would be but the Chargers were in SD not SF.