
This is exactly it - everyone I know with a penchant for an older styled motorcycles got a used 70s bike, didn’t matter what kind really, and got to work learning how to care for it, rebuild parts of it, etc etc. They didn’t wake up one day and fancy a motor cycle and walk into a HD dealer and ride out into the

That leaves off everyone born between 80 and 92? and no Gen Xer is going to be like “sure ‘83, you’re totally part of my cohort”

Same. At about ‘86 is where I start going “what the fuck are you talking about?” I was born in ‘83

That’s what happens when your cohort is relatively small.

I think I’d be a millenial by geography in that case - I grew up in the Bay Area where we had computers when I was 5!!! in the classroom. Born in 83

Unlike over the hill Boomers who project everything outward.

Dude, if Honda or Yamaha had an app that connected to the bike so you could pull up all manner of info, that’d actually be kinda fun. And not something Harley would ever do in a million years because their target demo can barely fucking type faster than a Harley accelerates.

I would ride that just for the laughs of pulling up next to some middle aged pirate dentist and giving a knowing nod.


How many Triumph owners have “If you can read this...” shirts?

White Trash With Lots of Cash

I love Alameda just for that time stands still reason.

Man, what hope does a bit pushing nerd like me even have?

Fuck nostalgia, it’s a low grade opiate that keeps people in line.

Good, it should be exhausting because it is to have a self serving shithead as POTUS.

If they don’t have names they don’t exist to the reader.

Can I get inflation adjusted numbers?

That’s a gross oversimplification of wants.

Can’t separate the two in this instance. The team is the front office and Snyder would agree.

He’s no Russell Wilson though.