
No, you’re a Catholic Associate.

It’s true. Getting validation in the form of an orgasm from your partner makes you feel like a master of the universe. For a few fleeting moments you are in awe that you were part of something that felt so good for another person. Your insecurities about how shitty you might be at sex, how that reflects on your self

Actually, yes, nothing ever is good enough for everyone all the time. We’re all just stumbling around trying to make ourselves feel better that we aren’t masters of the universe and please everyone simultaneously while indulging our own desires.

Too late, can’t feel the right side of my face.

Are you writing this because it caused you to take a moment from your day of back patting and consider, for a moment, you might actually not be so great at what you think you are?

Were you? Seemingly, you have no guilt or inadequacy issues...

In this issue of Brio you said there was “Funky Jesus Music”

The gaucheness of this is making me want to die.

Jesus, my first girlfriend who I had sex with on the regular only was comfortable with missionary because of the whole “you can see my butthole” thing.

Any speculation on how bad Jacques was in the sack though?

Meanwhile in Manland: “Nothing we do works for everyone all the time. It’s all too complicated. I’m gonna grab a code red and some doritos and play some Call of Duty while this whole thing blows over.”

From my pulpit of honesty flows truth.


Wow, it’s like every generation goes through this.

Oh, so they arent a married couple that just gravitated towards wearing identical articles of clothing because the clothes were cheap and they looked good on both of them?

Trash human wears trash suit, more at 11

Low Brow American Patriotism at its finest.

So hockey.

Who comes up with these dumb names for games?

Portent of doom, this Miko