
If you’re playing a game for ego fulfillment I hope you’re having a terrible time.

If he did the shrooms in the bathroom then no. If he did the shrooms prior to boarding, maybe.

Nah, there are no kid glove solutions to this.

Probably, with nerdy girls who also game.

They aren’t sandwiches but several Mexican fast food places do grilled chicken right - Pollo Feliz is my favorite down in PV.

“He speaks his mind, he doesn’t care what people say”

Wouldn’t have acted that fast.

I liken the situation to cis white men having a night club that every non cis white male wants to get into.

Sure they do, its just not something that invalidates cis women struggles or makes trans men or women’s struggles that much more in need of attention.

To wit, even if the language is changed does that tangibly change how people are treated?

And the dumb thing is I know transmen and transwomen both endure threats of rapes, assault and death, and that base commonality is ignored by everyone falling over themselves to get validation that their issues matter to anyone besides themselves.

Up until the last season of the most recent iteration of BSG, yes. That last season was fucking stupid as dirt. Bob Dylan tapped into the universal song which is “All Along The Watchtower”? Get the fuck out with that nonsense.

Thank you! You get it. We have two options - either stumble around in the dark on the ground and eventually get upright and walking or to retreat into separatist fantasies while the world burns around us.

I do, I was just taking the piss by being obtuse.

If half the audience takes it as a shot across the bow towards interracial relationships, I think it’s hard to deny that the article could use some work - there are good points about how white people always have to be one part of an interracial couple in media and how poorly WOC from south asia are portrayed but it

They don’t! I know that. I can simultaneously acknowledge that and still maintain that there are other groups that are oppressed yet not to the degree of some groups and there are challenges everywhere you look. I feel alone in this ability.

It’s not helpful but it’s the grim reality of the situation. Most people can’t bridge that empathy gap because they view it as conceding the value and importance of their own oppression. And that can be the case in specific conversations where there is erasure of POC voices and I won’t deny that.

It’s better than that, sure. And what are we supposed to do with that acknowledgement?

I don’t know. It sucks.

Ha, I’m not even Asian. I’m flattered you’re trying to get under my skin but it just doesn’t work.