
3 is the most salient point and yet subverts the first point. Telling a bunch of white people to listen is letting them off the hook in taking action cause they can’t do both at the same time. It’s like a divide by zero error.

It’s not as bad or worse than the world of disbelief white people live in - it’s ineffectual against the world of disbelief white people live in.

Somebody owes me a coke!

White people make me sad, time and time again. If you can tell me how distinguish genuine and earnest attempts by white people to be good people versus white people doing ineffectual stuff to make themselves feel better, do so.

So other than taking white people down a peg on the internet, what can you do to make it say, 300 years instead of 500?

It’s too bad we can’t gene edit white people to come out of the womb decent, earnest people.

Ironically the only way white people can seem to muster any balls to do anything about racism is to tear down other white people online. The greatest example of white privilege is you get to fight online and others pay in hurt feefees, POC get to die in the streets. 

How lonely is it on top of Mount Wokest? How many POC have you saved from murder at the hands of LEOs from up there?

It’s like nothing is self evident when it comes to moral arguments and yet here we are with people who already have scaled to the top of Mount Wokest saying that if you haven’t don’t even bother and it’s not their job to help you. But seriously, fuck you for not scaling Mount Wokest.

I think it’s easier to assume that white people will never be helpful towards POC regardless of anything they do or say - you’ll be long dead before you see the society you want. Your children and grandchildren will be long dead.

So she needs to be 8 times as woke as anyone else, otherwise she’s complicit in our societal scam of egalitarianism. She should have been marching in Selma before she was born if she wants to make me believe she isn’t an awful human. Even then, how do we know she wouldn’t be marching just to make her white guilt go

Not being a good person. In fact, being a bad person. Cause if you aren’t at the endpoint of giving lectures to unwoke people about how unwoke they are, you’re complicit in the awful society we live in. End of story.

Are you actually listening to her? Doesn’t seem like it.

Have fun with the 100 people who pass muster in wokeness. Sure ya’ll will get a lot done.

You think two people that don’t know how to or can’t be bothered to prevent pregnancy would test something, almost scientifically, before doing it?

Had this worked is some pretty wild speculation considering the factors going on. It’s not a shock that teenaged parents don’t understand probabilities much less physics.

I’ll venture a guess and say that anyone who pushes for this stunt probably doesn’t have any sort of awareness of laws and is impulsive to a fault.

Dude made 2 kids. No Darwin Award.

What a bunch of nerds are willing to pay only tells me how limited the supply is and how thirsty nerds are. Most people would be happy having never heard of F4.

Surely Marvel lost the beat on F4 before the movies though. There’s something weirdly anachronistic and generic about F4 that just...feels empty.