
Okay, so you remember when Erica got on the private plane despite the mechanic saying it wasn’t ready and then it inevitably crashed and some Mountain Man rescued her in the crash site and nursed her back to health?

So that’s why Kinja isn’t a huge shitshow. Nice.

Yeah, because the Fantastic 4 are awful

Almighty Johnsons.

Srs, Wrestling is Soap Opera with folding chairs. No shame in that.

The best part about Aria’s fashion is you know she was supposed to be the “fashiony” one. Fail.

This is a great self own.

Wrestling has more sane plot lines than PLL

She has the connections to be successful.

Well said. Becoming a head coach is as much about survival and sacrificing the whole of your personhood to assume the identity. I’d love to be a football coach, I’d hate to have my entire life revolve around the profession.

It’s not really an inside joke - taking down the haughty self importance of baseball is a thing.

Guy on the right, “Dave Mullins” is in fact Penn Jillette. Look at him. Cmon.

You’re fooled by this Dave Mullins pseudonym?

Why are their feet so large?

Penn Jillette lost weight, we know this, but I had no idea he was gay and involved in this case.

Bizarre accidents break down any pretense of respect.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Snap!

More like Falsey


Is this a reference to Manhunter?