
Says the guy who never found a musical festival that wasn’t great.


We won’t be extorted. Get it right.

Dude has way too much face space for features provided. Egad.

Ummmmm, the slopes aren’t even part of the same mountain range.

Decadent promised vacations hosted by Ja Rule. I’m not a dyed in the wool socialist but this kinda stuff definitely makes me go “The utility of those dollars could certainly be put to better use than indulging a scam hosted by Ja Rule”.

Fuck Graham Elliot and the Gotham Steel he’s hawking. What a dumbass.

I’m supposed to like these clowns?

Ja Rule was the red flag!

Early adoption has its perils, no doubt.

If you hate this lovable goof, you hate yourself.

Thanks Final Arbiter of How Festivals Be

A bad opinion that is validated over and over again.

Yeah, the focus should be on putting full faith and credit in Ja Rule to pull off a baller event.

If you sign up for an event in the Bahamas hosted by Ja Rule...well...caveat emptor.

Yeah, the anchor of hope through knowing that your child survived would definitely keep some amount of people hanging on especially given the circumstance. I also thought that the staged catharsis of the communal murder was another ‘ah ha’ moment of how the state in this universe keeps people in line to one degree or

Jesus christ, that is one rude image.

I’m watching Harlots and eating it up with a spoon. is where I play FWIW

Blood Bowl already exists.