
Interesting, thanks for fleshing that out for me.

Man here - the show is terrifying and I kept repeating to my wife “When is someone going to peace out via suicide” cause that’s all I could imagine doing thrown into such a horrible situation. And then realizing that some of the more gauche and seemingly melodramatic parts are metaphors to how it feels like our

It’d be like professional fishing if professional fishing had you change reels, locations and fish you were going after every 5-6 years and everyone you knew about was now irrelevant in this new fishing competition.

Ummm, you gotta get the following orders folks to question it. There is nobody too low in this to refrain from pestering.

A dash Art of Noise, a pinch of Blowfly

Ah yes, the easily satisfied anti-censorship armchair warrior triumphs again.

That explains it. Brainwashing.

Then get off your fucking ass and stand up against it at all times you lazy sack of grandstanding shit.

I’m sorry life isn’t what you’ve wanted it to be.

So now you’re selling out Japanophiles for being basic bitches who laugh at unintentional juxtapositions to hate groups?

Why can’t this guy or anyone have principles and conviction about important things, not the righteousness of their own sense of humor?

Good thing this isn’t censorship then. And too bad so many patriots against censorship focus on one specific thing and shit on art in general.

Man, if I was a dev I would pull such a big swinging dick move on him “Creative license is for devs not replaceable proles like you”

Do gamers have any other hills in their lives?

Man, so not only is he obtuse, he’s totally and wholly self interested. You sold him out!

Yeah, we should never take statements at face value and should always believe that intent is always aligned to whatever WE believe.

The trick is remembering a list.

And that’s fine because it is complicated and with good reason - it’s complicated.

Say what you will but the Kardashians benefit from the low brow shit as much as paparazzi do.

Can I get a side bet on “Did it to teach a lesson”?