
I really wish there were 35+ only servers/shops/neighborhoods/cities/states/countries/planets. So much of this kind of chest thumping is beneath the olds.

Anyone who self describes as an ‘Alpha’ is anything but that.

Wow, what a tired brain does to sentences.

Between 50 Shades of Grey and this, I feel like shipping and fanfic should come with a warning.

I have never been happier to leave behind the hormone addled teen years of my life behind. Yikes!

Sounds like you need a change of scenery.

Some feelings need to be hurt.

Let the bears pay the bear tax!


We are legion in Seattle.

So you’re not into kink?

I wonder how many parents change their mind about kids and can’t opine that cause it makes them look bad.

All the pictures, from multiple angles, usually in only places a spider man would be able to capture the shot through strategic placement of cameras. TOMORROW, 8:30 AM! 

To be fair, do we know for certain that Cara Delevingne is in fact not a giraffe?

I want a full report on the coincidence of divorce rate among shippers’ families, on my desk by 8:30 AM tomorrow.

Can you put a serious shipper on the line?

Ask for some 1099s confirming income from said modelling.

I’m sure Baldwin is up late at night working on ways to get your validation.

If we don’t show shitty things on TV, then they won’t happen in real life, QED.

You think my Spike/Xander ships were bad, wait till you see my Brady/Gronk ships. I’ll slap you with a deflated football if you don’t think there’s some shred of truth to my ships.