
How did “Uncle Tom” float to the top of things that suck about Lil Wayne? That’s like a 2nd tier gripe at best.

I never got the impression it was a good book, simply one that resonated with simple minded people on Nick’s level.  

Calling The Packers a garbage team lets the Bears and other garbage teams off the hook.

Yeah, lets speculate our way out of holding someone accountable for their shitty behavior.

Wow, you’re going to carry water for her until you die of thirst, aren’t you.

Hey, if you can’t get your cut while promoting something, why bother at all?

How do you win an internet argument that only the two people engaged see?

With the exception of Godfather, you aren’t missing anything here.

You really aren’t going to back down from the idea, are you?

Man, when are we starting a racket to out gay children to their conservative parents? I don’t expect a lot of money from the racket because being gay isn’t reprehensible but I’m counting on at least a few being so scared shitless by the consequences that they’ll compensate for volume with large sums.

Yes, that’s it - because I frequent the best resource for Seahawks related things and they repost FO’s metrics that indicate RW isn’t the albatross you imagine...

I am saying this over on Fieldgulls right now - The Seahawks do what the Seahawks do regardless if they have the means to do it.

I watch all the Seahawks games - RW is not a foundational problem with the team. In a heirarchy of problems with the team RW’s inherentness is like a fifth tier behind the following

Then they fail pretty hard.

I’d say the far bigger hole is how their defense is predicated on Earl Thomas existing and being in the lineup. Wilson does just fine at QB regardless of whatever marks you put against him - the stats bear this out.

Coming out isn’t for the people around you, its for yourself and affirmation of who you are inherently. This is why the “we already knew” isn’t just tone deaf, it’s answering a statement from the perspective that the information is for your benefit alone.

Anything that explains his increasingly irrational behavior and word confusion would take a load off my mind.

Everyone has a cheesy pleasure in music, laughing at it together is part of the fun for me at least.

I wouldn’t dare make fun of Barry himself, but his music? Hahaha, come now...that is some fresh ass cheese and you love it. 

Yeah, Nick’s malignant brain tumor has only grown in size...