
We would have also accepted

So they wear top hats and tuxes to take in a show?

Or at least stop constructing jungle gyms where none had existed before to grapple with kids who share no media consumption commonality with their parents.

If the audience can’t tell the difference you should work on that.

I went from TLDR to feeling bad for you.

Totally trolling then.

Midnight showing of inglorious basterds - a baby was there crying intermittently. Never forget.

Now you’re just giving parents an excuse.

Oh. The mole people of New York have opinions, do they?

Like a proto Fallon with a similar dearth of talent.

Do they kick a man when he’s down? Is that the old Staten Island Special?

Maybe he can work on being funny at the same time?

Amen to the first paragraph

Nancy Grace is a disgrace to the justice system.

I’m shocked! 

Once again, the public lobby shows its ugly warts. If only there was a “alternative methods tryout” server.

So this is a problem because he is randomly joining teams that don’t know what he’s doing and aren’t familiar with him?

Wait, is this like an offensive linemen not declaring himself as an eligible receiver before the play, to his teammates?

Before half of us were born.

Not having a border, right up there with cancer and fascism...