
Who the fuck is this guy? Chidi?

How fucking gauche would it been for the Koch brother to continue golfing? Cmon.

I get that but there still needs to be actual action taken by the person possessing the ‘new hotness’ to reap the halo effect.

Voluntary in the loosest sense which is being loyal to a friend who was being involuntarily removed.

It was purely to manage caloric intake, not much else.

Calorie watching, pure and simple.

They were watching caloric intake and while they were smart enough to realize that alcohol had calories, they were alcoholic enough to find ways around putting on too much weight being alcoholics.

This presumes he and his team actually take any measures that help to mitigate the recession. There has been nothing so far since Trump announced his candidacy that shows me that he has serious people doing serious work for him or the nation in his camp.

Trump ejected one of the Koch bros from his golf course because of who he was golfing. It’s already happened.

Yes. You have to chase your vanity endlessly for your entire life or what are you?

Talk about signaling what a basic bitch you’d have to be to think you could fool people with sophistication that you’re on their level with an accent mark.

I knew people who ate tuna straight out of the can but as an entire meal because they knew they were going to binge drink later that night. On a Tuesday.

Sure, but working out doesn’t actively make you hotter. Exercising is its own reward, getting hotter is a potential ancillary benefit.

Also, Stephanie doesn’t look hotter, it looks like she got groomed to conform to a mold that many value in society. She’s cleared the low hurdle of being tannish and blonde, she’s still who she is in the face.

1. How do you determine that you’ve gotten ‘hotter’ and by whose standard?

Didn’t Maury and Jenny Jones dedicate entire episodes to this premise of showing up someone who was mean to you about your looks?

If ‘honest’ is in the name, it’s dubious as fuck. Marketing basics here.

You just knew it was happening as it was happening.

That is so fucking subtle.

I don’t know - sometimes you appreciate a facsimile for the execution. Originality of entertainment isn’t the end all be all for me at least.