
So it got the the whole thing down perfect. Honestly, it’s about as pitch perfect a recreation as you could fathom.

Well, I took the easy way out and sought out a city and job where I didn’t have to deal with toxic masculinity or people who disagreed with me politically - I moved to Seattle and work for a non profit that’s about 85% women.

But an acceptable pansy to someone.

This is well put!

What is the stick if men collectively don’t?

That might not outweigh the entrenched benefits they enjoy in a misogynist society.

Now you know what it’s like to be a woman in a man’s world. How you like them apples?

If only the empty parts of men’s lives could be fulfilled by whatever positive feedback they got from the women in their lives.

No because Drew Fucking Brees shits 300 yard games out of his ass before breakfast.

Do you make allowances for this kind of mentality among those you fought against?

So those who kill Americans aren’t suffering in any psychological way from decades worth of bullshit from the US? We have the most wealth, opportunity, etc etc in the world and you come down soft on those who go out of their way to be shitty people?

And thusly we forfeit any sort of moral righteousness. We have angry shitheads who just want to make other people suffer in America same as anywhere else. And they just got the Presidency.

America is full of the monsters that enemies of our nation believe exist. We have no moral high ground in any regard.

Hows that going for us?

Unfortunately for the state of the nation, you can’t make people suck it up. Whats the carrot and whats the stick here? If the stick is “you don’t get to enjoy my company but the baboons down at the bar will have you” then we need a better stick.

And then where are we?

Lay out the incentives here.

Lay out the incentives here.

I’ll be sure to pass your message on to the people who live in small towns across america where the VFW is the local gathering spot.

As much as I hate to say this, there is a sense of greater loss from being a decent person, socially, than there is gain.