
And it’s just a matter of time until someone throws salt in his wounds.

Plus at least the Red Baron was in the First World War and that wasn’t in aid of Nazis

Gotta say, nothing goes better with some Za than about a thousand cold ones. Also love me some Chos and Top shelf Margs. Really living the Dream, you guys.

“And I would have gotten away with it too, if I had just been a little better at football.”

Whatever. Their helmets look like they had their face too close to the grill when they lit it.

hmmmm chinese takeaway

There’s a time and a place to discuss the sometimes meaningful differences between various forms of sexual misconduct.

*sad Woo sound*

Today’s lesson:

Producer: “Cue up something for the loss of Roy Halladay.”

keep this is mind when you hear about how “these two teams just don’t like each other” today.

I prefer my sports where players intimidate the opposing team by carrying around large wooden bats, from a completely different sport, to symbolize the metaphor of “bringing the wood” while they warm-up on the field before the game.

Not Suitable Fur Words

Thank you for forcing that Garoppolo trade against coach Belichicks wishes Mr. Kraft, it looks like I owe you a favor

Right! It’s for traitors, too!!

Anyway, now he’s the President of the United States

They would have won the damn game if they just stopped playing millennial baseball.

I work for Fox News, and while I see your point, I really think it was the Dodgers’ focus on multiculturalism that did them in.

moar like blew darvish amirite

I still think that sweep was almost unfair to that Houston team; they kept those games really, really close (the scores were 5-3, 7-6, 7-5 and 8-5). A few things go slightly differently and it’s a longer series.