
Don’t blame me, I voted for Harbaugh!

I had a similar moment while playing where there were a group of goomba and I thought to myself, “There’s something around here that wants me to use exactly that many goomba.”

Red Baron is the best pizza because I don’t feel as bad eating a whole pie because they’re like three bucks.

I had a wrestling school buddy take a fall like that in training and his elbow ended up halfway to his shoulder. Gotta tuck your chin and attack the mat Tingus!

I personally am excited for the Nintendo Cinematic Universe that culminates in Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart’s DLC

As someone who has used numerous POS systems, GS has one of the more intuitive ones in my opinion.

Or don’t send death threats to anyone ever.

I have family members who think Earth is 6,000 years old. They look at me side-eyed because I go to a Catholic church and think vaccines are a good thing.

Why can’t people just enjoy things?

The only way for it to be okay from a humor standpoint is to do a Game of Thrones and have it all floppy and soft. Anything half-mast and above loses its appeal.

My buddy took a horse breaking class in college (Texas A&M, go figure) and said you have to punch ‘em pretty good to get them to cooperate.

So if women who have sex with professional wrestlers are called “ring rats”, does that make women who have sex with professional gamers “ping rats”?

Vince’s reaction upon hearing the news.

That’s very Philly of them.

Putting aside, you know, actual football sense, wouldn’t this be the best route given that the NFL could get toasted in that collusion lawsuit? I would think rankling the more knuckledragging rednecks around here (hello from Houston!) would be worth it to avoid having your disgusting rich white guy text messages in

Truly it is an affront to Papa-John’s-garlic-sauce-blooded Americans everywhere.

I’m conflicted. One one hand, that was the coolest shit I’ve ever seen. On the other, those players kneeling during a foofy pregame ritual was deeply upsetting.

Oops he’s gonna be in trouble.

The kid that waited all night at the Supreme store to re-sell him that coat must be thrilled.

Yeah like how the Confederate flag isn’t only for racists!