
No they wouldn’t. Why would d bag kids from new money d bag Asian families live in shitty accommodations while in school? If there was no place they wanted to stay, they’d just buy their way into another school where there was.

These stupid governments are going to milk traffic tickets as much as they can. Then when autonomous cars make them all but extinct, they’ll raise taxes and invent new fines to keep the police forces bloated even though they don’t need all these cops out there giving out moving violations.

The guys in the car are clearly the victim here though since they live under the oppression of a racist, capitalist, patriarchy. They can’t be held responsible for acting out against such institutionalized racism. Black lives matter!

Why? I have insurance. Doesn’t matter how I get injured.

Malforus, do you really want to ignore reality because you don’t like a person? I’m guessing if someone is wrongly accused of murder but you deem them a jerk, you think they should still be put to death, right?

Sorry, what have you accomplished that lends any credibility to what you just said? Do you drive for Uber also?

But, but, but... white privilege! Everything is wacist! It’s not fair because my wacist gender studies/diversity course professor said so!

What’s the valuation of of that driver’s assets?

So some random idiot who has to drive people around to make cash thinks he has it all figured out, acts like a whiny know it all who could have done soooo much better being CEO of Uber and gets yelled at for it?

Sorry but unless you drive for Uber or one of these other companies for extra cash, you’re out of a job in 5 years anyhow so instead of whining you should be transitioning to an actual career, some job that will still exist in a few years. And if you don’t like what you make, stop working for them, you know, like you

A better question would be why she kept her mouth shut about it until it was trendy not to. Same with all these other virtue signaling celebs. Oprah’s best friends with Weinstein and even pushed actresses to him as it would help their careers, yet Oprah for president!

Feminists don’t care if and when men are falsely accused of things like this. They just spin it to further their feminist narratives. They’d rather see a million men go to prison falsely accused of rape than see one actual rapist go free.

You must have a sad, sad life.

Prove Ansari did these things. Until you do, you have nothing to hang your points on.

“present Grace’s story for what it is—a starting point to discuss the ways consent can feel blurring”

Not judging WOMEN and their bodies? So it’s ok to judge men then? And the entire point of dressing up in some over priced rags to show off in public means you can and will be judged. You’re showing off, physically. How does that not entail judgement.

Why aren’t you calling out Meryl Streep on her hypocricy in all this? She supported convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, even saying it was a shame he’s in prison for his crime, and was best friends with Harvey (claiming she was apparently the only person in Hollywood who didn’t know what he was doing).

I’m a man and I’ve been sexually harassed (by the flimsy definition feminists and SJWs use as well as credible definitions) by both women and gay men. Where’s my Golden Globe protest?

Open office plans are cancer mixed with full blown AIDS. All these “progressive” idiot CEOs and other upper management thinking they’re making some new, bold move towards a better workspace. All they’ve done is resurrect the factory floor style office from the late 1800s and early 1900s, which was phased out because

And that has nothing to do with not using your phone in the bathroom.