I don’t typically relate to pointless idiots who tell a guy they love them after knowing them for less than 17 hours. BUT WOO SHE’S THE BEST CAUSE SHE’S A GIRL WOO “GIRL POWER”
I don’t typically relate to pointless idiots who tell a guy they love them after knowing them for less than 17 hours. BUT WOO SHE’S THE BEST CAUSE SHE’S A GIRL WOO “GIRL POWER”
Good lord...if this sort of thing upsets you then you’ll have a heart attack when you find out about Civil War and WWII reenactments.
Who exactly is he going to impress with a suit and tie. Hes not interviewing for a job or apologizing for the one hes done. When tweedle dee and dum the sons for the current pres show up its not like 1 less person is thinking their a douche because the dress up and grease their hair back.
How is it “complex” culturally to bury a baby. Gizmodo needs to hire actual journalists and not just retards that rehash other articles and press releases. You’re worse than BuzzFeed.
I guess not - I mean I expect these clickbait headlines on the Root or Splinter, but Earther? Come on, keep the partisan/racist BS away.
Have you not read any of her other articles? It’s all anti white drivel.
“ICE, an agency that is perhaps best known for rounding up undocumented people and placing them in detention camps.”
How many mistakes in life do you have to make to become a writer for Gizmodo?
What is there to possibly be proud of....
So what you’re saying is Wakanda culturally appropriated the Egyptian culture! Holy Ra! Get the outrage police on the phone now!
Don’t forget you need the virtue signalling light, and that light must be lit, else people will think you don’t have one!
“ Crystal came up with Grumpy Cat’s real name—Tardar Sauce—which was inspired by two things: Grumpy’s original orangish coloring (“She thought Grumpy looked like Tartar sauce,” Tabatha says) and the fact that, at the time, Tabatha was waitressing at Red Lobster and had just made Crystal try the stuff.”
On the same note: black people, stop watching kung-fu movies! Don’t see it, don’t talk about it, please don’t insult Asian people by thinking you can relate or understand anything in it.
So some random idiot who has to drive people around to make cash thinks he has it all figured out, acts like a whiny know it all who could have done soooo much better being CEO of Uber and gets yelled at for it?
For years, Apple has held billions of dollars of cash overseas and insisted it won’t bring it home until the US gives it a better deal on the taxes
Please shut up about “mindfulness” - I know it’s trendy and this site is a slave to trends but this one has gotten old. Move on.
Clearly, the solution is to have more kids with your multiple wives. It’s done wonders so far.
Stop fucking, that will fix it.
You sound really interested in buying kids and sex tourism. Sounds like you’ve been looking into where you can find both, haven’t you.
Counter point: Guy whose business acumen has led him to become an uber driver criticizes the business strategy of CEO who built a $70 billion company. CEO holds his ground.