Rightfully shamed? For what? Not knowing who some dumb woman who talks like a 14 year old valley girl is? So they supposedly met once and she’s related to someone who wrote for a show he was on? And that means he’s HAS to remember her why?
Rightfully shamed? For what? Not knowing who some dumb woman who talks like a 14 year old valley girl is? So they supposedly met once and she’s related to someone who wrote for a show he was on? And that means he’s HAS to remember her why?
So it’s like what happened to the Gawker sites.
How about this scummy shit from your own company:
“These are hard days to be a woman, a person of color, a disabled or trans or queer person.”
Pretty ugly.
What an asshole.
Wait, what? You think nobody should photograph children? You off you meds or something?
Civilians? LOL, what exactly do you think doctors are?
I’m sure it’s just racism. She obviously did nothing wrong. Just the white man trying to keep her down.
Women are objects, all people are, by definition. That being said Kotaku is like any publication that spews extreme social and political bullshit: They change their tune whenever it suits their narrative and hypocrisy is justified when it’s deemed beneficial to the cause.
Except the claims is that “objectification = showing skin” whenever the whiny SJW/feminist decides it fits their narrative but the opposite when that fits their narrative.
No men? This is a shameful, sexist display of non-diversity!
And in this article we have an altleft troll getting pissy over some game mod they don’t like.
Kotaku is a leftist mouthpiece just like all of it’s sister sites. Of course they’re going to inject cultural Marxism wherever they can.
You forgot to put issue in quotes.
Smelly. They’re smelly Indians.
Oh no, people I disagree with are playing video games in ways I disagree with! The struggle is real! I must stop people from doing things I don’t like in the privacy of their own home.
“They would have Auto Pilot, though.”
This makes no sense. Why would someone driving a motorcycle made by Tesla and having an accident have any bearing on their autonomous cars?
Having a kid isn’t a 6 month+ injury. It’s a lifestyle choice.