
Please shut up about “mindfulness” - I know it’s trendy and this site is a slave to trends but this one has gotten old. Move on.

Shut up. You don’t know those people. You don’t know what they have. I’m guessing you don’t have shit and not because you’re presumably black but because you’re clearly an idiot.

I’m not silent... lots of countries are shitholes. If you can’t handle the truth, close your ears, or maybe grow up. And if you think these countries are paradise, please, please move there... you won’t be missed.

“led by god” = full of shit

It’s a bad idea for anyone to go to church seeing as all it does is peddle lies and Bronze Age Middle Eastern mythology to credulous people instead of giving them something actually useful for improving their lives.

The most racist site I know:

Maybe they should all be forced to move to Haiti then since they think it’s so nice.

You sound really interested in buying kids and sex tourism. Sounds like you’ve been looking into where you can find both, haven’t you.

Why is it so hard for you retards to use the word “racist” properly? You know there’s a bunch of free dictionaries online, right? Clearly you’ve got a lot of free time on your hands, why not make yourself a tiny bit less ignorant and learn what a race is and what racism is.

It’s awful when unclever people think they’re clever.

Thought jokes were supposed to be funny. That was just tedious.

Most third world shit holes makes US airports look like third world shit holes.

Living in Thailand for 6 years and being exposed to countless awful Russian tourists, I can confirm. They smell awful. Not Indian/Arab/African awful but damn close.

I’m sure the Russians will pull some of their women out of Dubai to service men on the IIS. They’re classy people.


Will it be covered in tacky goal leaf and animal print sheets and carpet? I bet it comes with all the boiled cabbage you can eat and if you’re a woman, there will be a Russian man on call 24/7 to punch you in the face. Also, you’re bank account and phone will be hacked during your stay, no charge of course, eez classy

That’s like giving a penny to a homeless guy one time. Doesn’t make you a genuinely nice person.

Who is the fat guy with the fake blond hair that’s clearly struggling to get away from his fat face?

I’m sure the few dozen people who saw Hamilton thought that was great.

Or just go to YouTube. There’s more porn and pirated content there than anywhere.