I've always liked this.
I've always liked this.
All we got about Hank is, "He's still going insane from seeing Pilates Wolf in wesen-form", but not insane enough to set off any red flags at the stationhouse.
Oh, I can get my cats to come to me. It's trying to get them to go over to the spot not near me that I'm pointing towards (EG: Across the room). In theory, a laser pointer could work.
RE: Purr that has an extended vocalization
Someone somewhere (yay! sources!) once gave a very good description/translation of cat tail 'wagging' as meaning the cat is torn between two options.
Now I'm imagining the previous owner not working out what it was, and they've been using it to make tea for two generations.
If you go to the smackdown website, they talk about just how itty-bitty the eggs for this pygmy ptero would have had to have been.
In the books, and so far in the show, she's solidly the one dependable cop in Bon Temps, so I have my doubts they'll kill her off.
When reading Io9 while eating at work, I was always a big fan of expanding all the comments, then setting the scroll-wheel to a slow scroll down, so I could sit back and have the discussion roll along like a teleprompter.
In my experience, it's so relatively rare to see male nudity on American TV.
In the books, I always pictured Kenya as being taller and more athletic looking. I had the gist that she was supposed to be fairly imposing (which balanced out her minorities of being a black female cop in Bon Temps)
RE: "Hello, person not important enough for me to remember your name"
Did you catch his bit about baby pteros?
I've sold a number of folks onto it, usually with the bait-line of, "Ok, imagine if the folks from Trainspotting ended up with Heroes-style superpowers. Obviously, they never really do anything very good with it"
I'd watch the heck out of an all-Middleman episode!
For some reason, I'm enamored by scenes of the Planet Express Ship making a horrible horrible landing (which we got to see twice, if you consider the bit vs. the mammoth as a 'landing').
Whoops! That first sentence got out of hand.
And not, in the 'surrounded by Daleks' picture? Not only does it follow the 'Daleks on an elevator' shot, but it looks like the white circle on the floor in the second one is the elevator in the previous one (and Amy & Rory's clothes are the same).
Old-Who, the biggest slaughter I can think of by the hands (...well, plungers...) of the Daleks involves their Davros origin story during the Fourth Doctor, but that's just a (probably) planet-wide civil war. And even then, blaming the Daleks for all the folks that died is a bit like blaming tank-drivers for all the…
What I've always really wished they'd do with the Daleks, even back in the days of the Sixth Doctor, is to have stories that involve the Daleks' actions, but not the Daleks themselves.