
Good point!

I want that picture of Bill Nye on a t-shirt.

The toaster analogy is fully what I was expecting when I knew Brother Data would be showing up in later episodes.

Didn't care for the big hair, myself.


Thank you! I kept thinking Dreamscape, but I believe that's the lucid dreaming film with Christopher Walken.

I was thinking it's a ruse to keep an eye on the inside, while Eric heads outside.

My at-the-time guess for how she was able to connect with the vampire was that since she was connected to her mom when her mom was chomped, the connection sort of drifted over with the blood.

That, or Artie returning the two parts to their places (so future folks can work out where the reset mechanism are), and that'll get the attention of mooks to fight (and'll give Data more screen time as he explains what this evil is all about).

And this particular reset button leaves me wondering, "So, if the astrolabe showed up with Artie, what's in France in Italy?"

I realized a few years ago that the whole Pandora's Box story makes more sense if the box itself is hope.

I'd first heard it used in practice among SCA folks in the early 1990s, and at the time I guessed that they appropriated it from Xanth.

Generally, VD will point out how this block and that spire line up to point to that star on this day, all of which he attaches significance to.

Don't worry. I thought it was the girlfriend from Grimm until I read these comments.

Good point! What I was getting at was the same as your point, though, that it being edge-on is doubtful.

Last I heard, 10 died right there on-scene and initially I'd heard that two others had died afterwards in the hospital. The bump up to 14 might be two more folks that died later?

I've often wanted to conduct a social experiment where two folks are sitting on similar street corners: one person is doing quick sketches of passers by (note, this involves finding someone who can do good quick sketches) while another person is taking cell-phone photos of passers by with a setup that instantly prints

And honestly, even if one worked up a variation that actually did record images long-term on a regular basis?

It would be interesting if she was, but I'm thinking they're just setting her up to be a repeat character for the rest of this season (as in, we're going to see a lot of her and they want us to think of her as a person and not just a background character).

Since it apparently wobbles a bit now and again, I like to imagine that it's given the steel structures of large buildings a magnetic charge (like rubbing a magnet against a nail for a while), so when the poles reverse, city blocks will suddenly spin around on their foundations to re-align with the 'new north'.