
Or hypothetical external disapproval and scorn?

"the picture is American Gothic because of the Neo-Gothic window design "

I'm thinking No.3 sounds pretty likely, given the amount of debris that gets pulled along behind your standard comet.

As I mentioned else-comment, as per Option No.2, wouldn't we have seen the plane thin out as it grew closer to the perpendicular, much like how Saturn's wobble makes it go from looking like it has cartooney ears (or sugarbowl handles) to little Jetsons style antennae?

I thought that, myself, but wouldn't it have been appearing to thin out as the wobble worked its way along?

I find this season better than the previous one, so far. Lots of the little "lack of continuity" things that irked me in the previous season aren't cropping up (again, so far).

Oh, he did! It's just that I'm not used to reading Doctor Who stories, so I'm not used to being told what's going on in the Doctor's (or Romana's, or anyone's) head.

It took me a bit to get used to the Omniscient Third-Person style (I should admit here that I've never read a novelization of Who before, so I'm not used to being able to know what the Doctor is thinking when he's doing unexplained things), but I really quite liked it!

I caught that, too! And it sounded like the channel click throughs either got back to that episode, or had a bit from another black and white episode.

A little bit I found quite nice was that in the crowds, I generally didn't recognize anyone.

Chiming in on a language I know nothing about (hey, at least I admitted it), I've heard tell the lispy Spanish is "Castilian", and that is mainly lisps the C when pronounced like an S (EG: facade)

And very little about the world-building they do in the show.

Thank you! I was scrolling down through the comments to make sure someone mentioned that.

Could also be that the mirror to reflect the tractor beam was being "hidden" by the other junk. As in, after undoing so many locks and screws and things, they'd scan the mirror and rope and think, "Meh, how's that going to keep her down or us out?" and not worry about it.

Currently, it's a matter of her being in a car accident a few years ago that paralyzed her left arm. She can still feel sensations with it, but she can't move it (and over the years it's visibly atrophied). So the only good thing it has going is that it keeps her shirts on straight, but with the down-side of it

I wish they did arms, too.


You can actually "play" with them, if they're big enough to see you.

I know it can be done.