
I know it can be done.

Oh, for a "I don't think there are ghosts, but I'd like to be proven wrong" option.

RE: "...the local council filled most of Lyttle's underground spaces with concrete."

It's what led to our modern solid-state chalk; previously, one had to crank it up first.

I've wondered if, by those rules, I need a degree in biology or in metal-working to complain about the person who just stabbed me.

Initially, the drug ads were amazingly vague about what the drug was for and what it could hep with, since if they made claims, folks could say, "I WASN'T WARNED IN THE MASS MEDIA SNIPPET!" if things went wrong.

That's a pretty casual, "Let's tear a sentient being into small chunks" act there, Doctor.

Odds are, the doll-proper has no mouth and there are different mouths one can slap on (probably in a static cling, colorform way)

What's that great SyFy film with the zombie mastodon/mammoth (I can't recall which it is), reanimated by aliens?

Anyone else note that it was eyeless crustaceans attacking the person's eyes?

Personally, I consider this a bit in the show's favor; I love the fact that the Season 1 stuff just turns out to be the surface layer of the allegorical cake, and it's due to funky stuff that you find out about in Season 2, which is just the layer that leads up to the next reveal, et cetera.

"Your 'Johnny Spaceman' costume is just a clear plastic bag, a rubber band, and instructions that the child is supposed to put both of them over their head!"

The other year I somehow managed to catch either the norovirus or some variation on it. Although I was clinically surprised by the effects (EG: With all the fluid loss, the large muscles of my thighs started to cramp up), it creeped me right out to realize that cholera is, more or less, a fatal version of it.

Although I'll agree that the kitchen-ware Daleks (albeit cute) were gilding the lily and detracting from the actual act, I still echo the common on the post about his first performance, where the BBC should at least cast him in some Dalek-episode of Doctor Who (either the first innocent to be killed, or someone who

[south park]

It's hard to say.

And maybe I missed it, but why did he kill himself? That's what I was waiting to have crop up later in the story, but if it did, it did so in such a sly and unimportant way that I missed it.

That, and I would think it'd be pretty tempting to have nanites leech off of surrounding power sources (IE: the body's own electrical currents, or heat, or something like that) instead of carrying around little batteries.

I was surprised that the first hypothesis was slowing down the molecular motion, since it seemed pretty clear to me that she instead did the reverse of her "turn on the lights" trick from a few episodes ago, thus turning off the nanites' power source.

Although I also have to wonder about the guy remote-paying for the coffee.