NOTE: This is what I get for trying to post, finding I'm not logged in, and then logging in and posting - I missed the non-featured posts about other folks who spotted the same thing. Eh, whoops!
NOTE: This is what I get for trying to post, finding I'm not logged in, and then logging in and posting - I missed the non-featured posts about other folks who spotted the same thing. Eh, whoops!
And Jacques Tati!
I was wondering about that, too. The way they were talking, it was as if even this alt-alt universe had lost its Bell.
What struck me as "wrong", although on a more meta level, was how relatively easily folks could bowl over the Deputy Andys.
I'm dubious about it being the craziest teeth ever, since I recall a dinosaur documentary that mentioned that the early proto-dinosaurs had a double-hinged jaw.
I believe they have planes, but just use airships for mass transit. Since only three folks died in the crash, the plane must have been some little "hobby" plane.
Much like the whole "Beatles Fan vs Rolling Stones Fan", I've read a discussion about Addams Fan vs Munsters Fan.
Come to think of it, didn't the Munsters live in a fairly normal looking house, relative to the Addamses?
RE: Amber-Alt Astrid's finger movement
Or as I like to put it, "standard alternate" vs "amber alternate".
I'm betting someone already had a copyright on "Climategeddon!"
I'm still wondering how the various wesen can tell that Nick's a Grimm when they see him seeing them "put their game-face on".
Some things, it's really tricky since we currently need something distantly related to the critter to bring it to term (EG: Marsupial wolves would be tough, due to the lack of dog-sized marsupial predators).
It was more that the dramatic music and such made it seem like we were supposed to go, "..and him?!" ('him' meaning the character, not the actor), as if he'd been pivotal in recent show-history.
I was thinking, after September described things, that this current Amberverse universe would start to tweak over to the 'standard' universe (beyond Peter existing and Olivia remembering him), but if that were the case, I'd think the writers would've started showing signs of that already.
True. Given the shot and the music, it sounded like we (the audience) were supposed to be, "And Felix, too!?!".
And she's a friend of mine, from high school!
It's always annoyed me since I -can- do the cock-eyed "reverse of crossed eyes" thing, but rarely on demand and apparently not in the way that Magic Eye pictures require.
RE: "I believe you call it... love"
Oh, I do so hope they're planning to have this episode slightly overlap a classic episode (a bit like DS9 did with Trials and Tribbleations)!