Do we know yet where this story is set?
Do we know yet where this story is set?
I've found it helps to imagine LePage as a French-Canadian Boss Hogg (yes, from Dukes of Hazard), but gorehound might be on to something, here.
Dracula 3000 is, in fact, quite quite horrible.
And the whole holodeck bit? "We love pre-marital sex!"
In thinking about it, if I moved into an apartment and found a strangely dense, yet sloshy, opaque container, I really don't know if I'd have the foresight to not hold it at an angle (to look in) when opening it.
Well that's just dreadful!
Not unlike Futurama's space dust, on the cookbook?
I was struck more by the oddly outdated, "Aw jeez, some of this is in Latin. Who do we know who speaks Latin?"
Hmm. Seems even though my Facebook page is in my Profile, here, when I "Log in with Facebook", it makes a new account.
A while ago, when working up some game-world wiki text for a modern supernatural role-playing game (where folks being able to whistle up zombies wasn't much more rare than folks practicing law), I realized that I had to throw in a bit about how the magic of zombie-making fixes up the corpse's eyes and eardrums — even…
I seem to recall one of the old Trek tabletop RPGs saying that the problem was the steep gravity well around a star, and it being risky to warp around when you're close enough to a star (or equally massive object) that you might end up in a death-spiral.
What gets me is that if a stargate opens up from Elsewhere to where you are, and you think, "Gosh, that looks like it might go somewhere!" so you blithely wander through (the wrong way, since the Elsewhereians opened it), you're dead.
A talking Jar-Jar chip-clip would also work as a good diet aid.
Still not entirely sure why they can't grab a wig and eyebrow-toupees (there must be a term for that. I mean, there's terms like "merkin", but not one for prosthetic eyebrows?) before walking the streets.
For those wondering, here's a listing on Etsy for someone selling a set for "Deadly Double" - []
I still stand by my notion that The Chronicles of Missing Sophia was (were? "Chronicles" is plural...) purely to get Our Heroes to stick around and learn about the farm. If Sophia hadn't wandered off or if they stopped the search early on, Hershel would have just shipped them off down the road once the son was good…
It certainly seems to work better on kids, yep.
I like your line of thinking.
And adopted orphans. And occasionally Fry.
And note that this Nina has both of her hands, instead of one being an ultra-tech prosthetic. I get the feeling Ms.Sharpe does a pretty good job at concealing that detail from most folks (so a shapeshifter wouldn't know about it, and most folks wouldn't catch it, except for our heroes).