
Or the other way around, where the baby does some extendo-mouth thing and wolfs down the big one.

Ah-ha! You're right!

Anytime there's a stand-off like that, I always expect it to go something like...

And I'd bet the farm-folk were giving the barn a wide berth, save when dropping off critters or zombies, so they were probably never as riled up as when a half-dozen folks just stood around the doors twice in one day.

I really expected Dale giving his hat away to be a sign that he'd end up shot in the swamp.

In a way, it'd be kind of cool if they made mini-episodes (like the Bike Girl Story) of Sophie's last days.

I was surprised that Rick didn't try yelling, "Lori's pregnant!" at Sophia, near the end. I mean, he was using it in pretty much every other argument in the episode.

Thank you! I was checking the comments section to see if anyone had asked this, already.

I've been playing with the Polish version, where it announces N!, and then they request a thimble, a spool of thread, and nothing.

What would make more sense is to have the color, spectrum-wise, cover popularity (IE: Good over bad reviews), and the light/dark of the color cover those who submitted reviews.

And, what century are we in?

I actually rather like this side-world diversion Fringe is taking, and didn't mind this episode at all.

If you do the "two loops that you twist together" method of shoe-lacing (which is 'weird', but easier and more efficient), then it's not like that.

And it's not like bow ties are -that- hard to tie; The most common method is basically just like tying shoelaces, but paying close attention to what is 'forward' and what is 'backward'.

I've often wished a speculative fiction show took more of this cue from Law & Order; one clump of the cast is the folks who "walk the beat", another clump is the folks who stay at the home-base, and each episode sometimes weighs more for one than the other.

Their Maudite is pretty good, too.

Yep, happened to me, too.

It comes up pretty often in things. I think it first irked me in the Changeling: The Dreaming branch of the World of Darkness RPG, where apparently every fairy-culture in the world calls the metaphysical energy from creativity "Glamour". English-speaking, French-speaking, Russian-speaking, it's all "Glamour" for some

For me, the most "Maybe this isn't our Peter?" bit in this episode was when he found out that the personal Faraday cage involved little spikes that jabbed into his neck on either side of his spine, and his reaction was "...of course it does".

Myself, I don't think the lost-kid plot is dragging on too long, since if I'd written it this way, I'd defend it by saying the "goal" is to have our heroes kick around the farm for a while, and the lost-kid and the shot-kid are just vehicles to help make the extended farm visit more plausible.