
RE No.2: Not sure. I mean, much like the Postman (let's pretend it was just the novel and ignore the film-version they made), there's something to be said about running around in a uniform after civilization has collapsed (presuming, of course, folks in that same uniform aren't held responsible for said collapse) as a

Go with silver lamé instead of black, and the BBC has its next CyberMat!

I would say one can, but that's because I lean towards the idea that an uninvited vampire (in a mythos where invitations allow a vampire to enter) can't enter without an invitation, but they can be dragged/tossed in.

The Harry Dresden setup has that going on, if I recall.

Moira has a few odd things going on; not just the variable appearance thing, with her either looking the age she died or the age she'd be if she didn't die, but also the eye not being a bullet hole but either fine or cataract-y.

I'm waiting for next week, because I'm sure Mom will mention the oddness of something with bones in the microwave, but the dog's still around.

And I'm hoping, in the "Metaphysical Physics of the Murder House" department, they'll cover exactly /why/ these ghost things are going on in the house.

Not the hand-puppet hatchling dinosaur at the end? `Cause that was pretty bad.

When I first saw the free demo version of the iPhone "Word Lens" application, which takes words and reverses the letter order (so the aforementioned "BEWARE OF THE RHINO" sign would become "ERAWEB FO EHT ONIHR"), one of my first thoughts was how cool it'd be for someone to redo that so it scrambles the middle parts

A common hypothesis is that when you read (and probably say/hear) thing in dreams, you're not actually working with a language but instead the concept of a language.

And if you put faith in the film "Until The End of the World", they also will have made the most addictive medium ever.

Personally, I think Merle almost 'has' to show up again.

Oh, I make no claims to knowing the comics.

And I have to wonder at the sense in "Let's wait outside the door, using silent hand signals, then suddenly pop in" (as per the church and the tent).

True. Unlike Romero and Alt-Romero (IE: Return of the Living Dead) zombies, I think it doesn't affect the already-dead in the Walking Dead-verse.

I started Moffat's run really wishing that he'd never lie in his semi-spoilers, but just tell "selective truths". Case in point, he could have said, "In the bit where you see River shooting the Doctor dead? That *is* the Doctor standing in front of her." — the tricky bit being that the Doctor was really itty-bitty

Although they probably can't pull it off now that Rassilon made his little spitty cameo, I've always loved the idea that Omega was/is Rassilon, and Time Lord history has divvied up his good acts to R and his bad acts to O.

It wouldn't so much prevent an earthquake as (possibly) set the date — instead of a big earthquake happening at some point, they could plan, "We'll trigger it on June 13th, next year, unless it happens by itself before then". Maybe.

When Dad comes through, the Boss and he talk about about the Boss calling Home Office and requesting advice, so I'm guessing they're using the Stargate 'wormhole loophole' where you can radio back through, but you can't walk back through.