Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

Horseshit Test

Ok? Well I’m not riding the bus anymore anyways, so it looks like you missed the point.

Rain makes all the dumpsters smell awful. I literally can’t even about this. Dislike

This is exactly the kind of article I was missing yesterday. Refreshing af to have our women back from their strike. Respect, support, one love.

LOL it smells horrible after it rains

This is the kind of article I couldn’t read yesterday because of the woman strike. Welcome back! Now onto the article itself... this is exactly why I don’t ride the bus anymore.

1. Welcome back ladies! Missed y’all.

Don’t play coy. Straight white Christian quarterback still gets tons of media coverage because they want to promote him as the ideal. Five steps forward, ten step back. Nas.

It’s offensive that Tim Tebow gets so much airtime from the American Media, including Deadspin. He is nothing more than a white Christian guy that racists get proud of because of he was good at football for like two seconds. You have no idea how offensive he is to the Muslim community.

Who is his wife?

This is, without question, the best comment I’ve ever read here. I wish all commenters felt the same way you do.

Probably the largest victim of global warming has been lightning enjoyers. I have enjoyed lightning all my life, thunder too, but rarely see any lightning these days because of global warming. I grew up in Tampa and would enjoy our routine 3 o’clock lightning storms, but nowadays I see almost no lightning at all. I

Amazon filed a lawsuit to keep this data private, however. Just like Apple.

Official Cause of Death: TOO FLY

What I heard was “only white people should have health insurance.”

So is a really big nuclear explosion. See? Neither of us are wrong, but we expressed two very different ideas. I think we should all take a moment to listen to one and other. If we don’t, literally the holocaust.

Actually it’s been known for quite some time now that the bright spot in question is nothing more than a fairly large magnesium deposit.

I believe that man is the leading scholar on Bird Law not Bird Health.

No flack from me. I too enjoy this movie.

Chandler Bling from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.