Young Tarr - Crisis Hotline Masturbator

He actually bottoms from the top, because of his social conscience.

I support you and your efforts

Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸

Dear Universe,

Also we have “detention centers” that are pretty much forced labor camps. And Trumpenfurer wants to build more of them.

Now, that’s something I’ve never considered. I’ll have to try it on my daughter when I get home:

yeah it has such a distinct writing style, i can tell when it pops up now. lots of “Anyway” and reads as sort of normal until one completely wrong statement designed to get lots of replies correcting it and then lots of people arguing with the people who replied with corrections about those corrections.

...pretty much all of flyover country is just as anti-science as they are racist...

Basically from what you wrote. We have charlatans in the government and we need to get rid of them. Fuck the republicans who are anti-science and intellectuals.

Doesn’t speak much to your bigger, smarter brain. LOL

Oh those reactionaries and their safe spaces. The frontier has always been dangerous, literally and figuratively. Like anything in the universe, we must keep going forward in our pursuits, whether they like it or not.

yeah, what he’s saying is validated by empirical data. sorry if that “nonsense,” AKA the truth makes you mad.

That’s one of the main differences in the neurological difference between liberals and conservatives. Rational thought vs. fear of change and emotion.

There is literally no such thing as fake news. News is just news.

First Trump is elected president, now normally sane Jez posters are sticking up for Tomatoface. We truly are living in strange times.

As someone who’s been here pre-Kinja (#omgwhystillgrey), I find Tomatoface fascinating and inspiring - like, if I can only motivate myself to put as much effort into, say, exercise, or guitar, I might really improve!

AGREED I kind of really enjoy him tbh, I feel like I’m in some sort of annoying but harmless puzzle.

Wow. But those people that called you would try and move the conversation in a sexual direction, no? Tomato doesn’t do that, he just thinks he’s goofing on us.

When it comes to some folks, I’m never sure whether or how much of the Shrieking Girl phenomenon lurks behind this kind of hyperbole, but don’t care to jump down the rabbit hole.