Nobody owns a house, dude.
Nobody owns a house, dude.
No, you're totally missing it — you have to game the system. Just start making a little over a third less money and, according to this chart, you'll be right on target.
They're also both white and the man has black hair and a green shirt and the woman has brown hair and a pink shirt (and a skirt and heels!), but those specifics didn't bother you as excluding other groups of people, so go fuck yourself. It's not about you. And congratulations.
I thought that stat was a bummer too, but it wasn't even the worst one. Think about this:
The happiness marriage adds to your life is equivalent to $105,000. The unhappiness that results from your spouse dying (which will absolutely, unequivocally, inevitably happen to one of you) is equivalent to $308,780. That's a terrible investment, and a fucked-up game of chicken.
Why the fuck else would anyone be looking at photos like this if it wasn't modeling?
I agree with you completely about the sexualization of children and adolescents in media. It shows that our societal values about youth and innocence and sexual maturity are completely hypocritical and that a significant portion of us don't actually believe in them.
Horrifically exploitative uses of vulnerable group, but if you're gay and writing for a "feminist" publication on the rape webs, you are exempt from decency. You're a decent human because why again?
But then how will they disguise and channel their racism in socially acceptable ways?
But something something something other countries are less humane than us, because if not what's it all for? Your comment is just about the only non-racist one on this thread. Thanks.
They get taken away from parents here in Japan? Or parents give them up? Vastly different. And source please.
Whoa. Jesus.
Who told you Japan took the Senkaku islands from China in WWII? Look up the history and come back to me.
Uh, someone giving someone money for something and then wanting to make sure that the other person doesn't just keep it and give them nothing is entitled, to you?
Japanese aggression against the PRC? You've got that backwards.
Huh-what? Some of us grew up playing this in kindergarten.
You've got it backwards. I initially didn't know what "we" meant because you used it without an antecedent, and in my initial comment I was asking and taking a guess at what you meant.
You said what you said. That was when you had control over how it sounded. It's in the world now. That you have to clarify to me that it isn't saying what it very clearly is saying is not my fault. If it's misconstrued, it wasn't me that misconstrued it. I'm even responding to your clarification, not what I initially…
Are you just going to keep explaining until I approve or something ?
I don't understand what you're criticizing me for? Commenting on that a self-congratulatory and passively judgmental comment is those things, or commenting it too late? What's the statute of limitations on something like this? It's the internet.