
I am not denying the horrendous war crimes committed by the Japanese in any way, shape or form. But it is interesting what can be seen as an atrocity and what might not be. Even LeMay understood the thin line between being a celebrated victor and someone facing a tribunal.

Swarm tactics are definitely an effective plan. Tragically brutal, but sometimes the only choice.


Yeah. God forbid you have to walk the same ground other people’s bare feet have touched. With your shoes on. THAT IS JUST TOO GROS.

I hated people who asked for frappucinos when I worked at an actual Starbucks.

I’m finally glad we have a sport where a “pro” player ends every statement with LMAO.

Meat Patty Sovereign

I usually have the worst service at the big chain restaurants like Bison Feral Appendages, Pepper Pods, Italian Flatbread Shanty, and of cours the Blue Crustacean, though nothing beats that last story from Cow Milk Monarchess.

Must be the blue and black cat face. I see gold and white.

Which lion face are you looking at?!

Disagree. Lion's face is full on "GTFO I KILL YOU NOW!" There is 0% "friendly" going on here.

Oh, der. Thought this was a response to me, and you were telling me to read and whatever I was tired and no coffee yet...

50 Shades of Grey started out as Twilight fanfic. One of the changes when it went from bad fanfic to just bad fic is the removal of all supernatural elements. So the part where Edward took Bella flying using his vampire powers (which EL James made up) is transformed into a scene where Christian takes Anastasia

I appreciate your response, very informative.

There's also

If the animation did it, so can they.

This is awesome! I can see why it's divisive but see no real problems with their plan. I only pretend to be a scientist on the internet, though.

The Ikea chair has the front legs at a much steeper angle... Unless that's the slightly different angle.

Recently attended a lecture put on by the Field Museum as part of their Vikings exhibit (… ) and the speaker was an archaeologist working in Iceland. He said there is an almost exact correlation between a present-day Icelandic family's property-holdings (and everything

This is probably the only part of the argument I disagree with. The kind of guys who refer to women as females do tend to also refer to men as males, at least in my experience.