When did we start comparing problems? No, neither one trumps the other. That's not the point.
When did we start comparing problems? No, neither one trumps the other. That's not the point.
I totally want to keep talking to you and ask you more stuff, but I feel like it might kind of be weird to do it in Kinja comments like this. So I'll just keep reading and maybe pester you again another time.
Fucking insightful. Thanks. You should write a column. On a laptop. In the bath. Make sure it's plugged in, so the battery doesn't die.
Well then you're already disabled, aren't you? So you're disabled because you're disabled. Did you think about what you're asking me?
Fukaya station is so stately. Easily my favorite part about living there. Not a bad little 駅前 shop cluster around it either, relatively speaking. And damn, I have no idea what Tama-tan is. Don't tell me Tamamura has a yuru-kyara I've never seen before. That would be embarrassing. All I remember is Gunma-chan…
Haha! I don't even have any idea what to say to that. Seriously?!
Kumagaya-ish? I lived in Fukaya too for about four months between my stints in Tamamura and Ota. But all I ever did while I was there was go to Gunma or to Tokyo.
I respect that. Obviously I share that tendency, though I have more license because I'm just a commenter with a burner.
I'm so wasted that I didn't even notice that you're blind, cracker.
Well, your job puts you in a position to get buffeted by the winds of thousands of crazy strangers' exaggerated feelings, because as a society we feel comfortable attacking someone and expressing outrage toward them if we perceive them to be any kind of a public figure, and then being on the Internet makes us…
Correction for the LAist:
Fair enough. Thanks for the considered reply. I've heard the common wisdom that it's a disease and a medical issue, but I'd never heard it described specifically as a disability. I don't even totally agree with the disease designation, which I know is probably a form of heresy or iconoclasm, and I'm comfortable with…
Kat, I'm a fan of you, and I will forever love you for your write-up on Gunma, so please understand that I say this from a place of love:
But who kills the killers?
Nailed it.
Their parents then of course need to make it a little more right by killing you. What could possibly go wrong?
Also, it's not closed-mindedness. I've seen a lot of dubbed stuff — including the ADV Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex. It's just that none of it was good, and it doesn't really make sense to me.
You basically illustrated exactly what I was trying to get you to come out with. This isn't an actual statement about the nature of dating, this is you trying to show us all how much better you are than inferior people who worry about plebian things like married people tempting themselves, because of your godlike…
Literally the only argument I can think of for its necessity is if you can't read.
Sorry if that offends you.