
But who kills the killers?

Nailed it.

Their parents then of course need to make it a little more right by killing you. What could possibly go wrong?

Also, it's not closed-mindedness. I've seen a lot of dubbed stuff — including the ADV Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex. It's just that none of it was good, and it doesn't really make sense to me.

You basically illustrated exactly what I was trying to get you to come out with. This isn't an actual statement about the nature of dating, this is you trying to show us all how much better you are than inferior people who worry about plebian things like married people tempting themselves, because of your godlike

Literally the only argument I can think of for its necessity is if you can't read.

Sorry if that offends you.

First sentence read, and done — you're wrong about what the claim is. Read the comment again. It's specifically about being alone with people you are attracted to, not just about males and females. Check your fucking cause crusade and listen to what people are saying.

I don't care who does dubbing. It's not good. The whole idea is not good.

he should have done some parenting and prevented them from playing the game to begin with, and made it crystal clear that he would not allow that game to be played by minors in his home.

Murdering or stealing or leaving the scene of an accident or deceiving people — these things make you a bad person. Making an effort to get someone you like to want to fuck you does not.

All Serpenz seemed to be arguing is that it's not responsible to hang out alone (read: alone usually means just the two of you, not in public) with someone you're attracted to if one or both of you is in a monogamous relationship. I'm really happy for your platonic friendships and I'm gonna let you finish, but your

Wanting to sleep with someone and only wanting to sleep with someone are unfair things to conflate.

So what you're saying is that a lot or maybe even do, but you are definitely not one of them?

Jesus, dial it back a little bit. We get it, you're a Nice Guy.

And which does the guy who asked the original question sound like he's doing?

Most guys would mention they're dating someone new to their best friend. Sure, I'll agree with that. And he should do that.

Most adult guys (meaning myself and my dude friends, really) don't tell each other every time they are thinking of asking a girl out. Because it could very likely be a rejection and you learn when

There are in fact relationships statuses between random hookup and future wife.

There is also a big difference between letting him know you and his sister have been dating, and telling him that you're going to try before you even know her feelings on it. Expecting the first is reasonable. Expecting the second is a problem with you.

Families get as much right to inspect suitors and significant others as the family member doing the dating chooses.