
Holy christ, the way you type and arrange your “paragraphs” make the virgin Mary cry real tears out of her vagina.

Pushing the boundaries of what was possible is literally not this, hence the admission of not breaking any new ground. These two statements, of both true, contradict each other for the sole purpose of marketing.

Rape is bad. Sexual harassment is bad. Violence of any type is bad.

I’m only speaking of personal situations, mind you. I didn’t make any generalizations outside of my own familiar territory. I know there are plenty of good people in the GOP who dislike much about it. Just like there are plenty of lousy Democrats. In the parking lot of life you will get run over by a Republican with a

Here is what I’ve learned : people who are not happy do not want others to be happy. Do you believe that you are happy? Do you believe the people you are around are happy? Truly happy? The only people I know in my life who vote GOP have had some major tragedy or failure in their life, and want someone to blame. The

Behind the scenes I’m fairly certain the larger population of GOP that actually make a daily difference would never have it. On the other hand, we almost made Sarah Palin Vice President, so we are beyond fear I think.

Saw it in the theater when it was released. We brought beer and weed; drank and smoked while we watched the movie. I miss my youth.

Oh yes, yes they are.

If you don’t see the hilarious hypocrisy in starting off a big diatribe about your husbands small faults with claiming to be a Christian, then I can’t help you.

Amazing how readily you proclaim to be a Christian and yet are unable to forgive the little things. Your post is full of judgement and anger over things that really don’t matter. Is he cheating on you? Does he beat you? Not contribute money? OH SHIT HE LEFT THE CLOSET DOOR OPEN.

I am not super strict with my kids; but I am truly amazed at the amount of obliviousness in today’s parents. If either of mine start screaming in a restaurant or doing anything that represents disruptive behavior, they go outside.

Whoa whoa whoa. Hold the phone. Shut the front door. You mean to tell me, in the 21st century in this great America, people cheat on each other and get divorced? Celebrities, especially? I refuse to believe it.

Now now, good sir. In this world of imaginary karma I won’t be engaging in any paid arson. That’s just silly. If you want to pay me for flaming him in this thread, sure. IRL, not so sure.

Vince Vaughn.

You should go watch that movie about Larry Flynt.

Yes because we all know a quad-copter has enough battery life to hold and carry tons and tons of fire fighting material. I’m going to assume you work exactly zero hours a year in a job that requires real thinking.

No, its a GREAT idea. Awesome, 100% yes. Take them out of the air in the most destructive way possible.

Do everyone a favor and never ever go into a field of work where lives are on the line or involve any type of serious rescue work. For the benefit of society, do something like generate memes or decorate your mom’s basement.