
So then could you make the argument that if you work in the entertainment industry, plastic surgery is a necessary business expense and therefore your breast augmentation and liposuction are part of your work to maintain your employment since your appearance is the source of your income? My desire to get plastic

I am going to shame the hell out of the first Pinkham’s Law comment.

Starbucks scammer, street eating scumbags, both drive thru biatches.

My husband is not a drinker, but someone gave him a shot of Fireball Whiskey recently at a gig. His review- “It was like a cinnamon...what do you call those things? A jawbreaker. It was like drinking candy. It was fucking ridiculous.” This from a man who literally does not know how to order a drink. He will walk up to

I know. This is really, really depressing me for some reason.

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Remember kids: being very smart about some things does not prevent you from being an utter loon about other things.

Is it possible that not everyone in the world experiences fat shaming the way people do in North America? I’m not saying I know anything about Uzbekistani culture, but this article seems to leap to some conclusions.

Everytime you use the word bae you give a child cancer.

Nope. No way. I know someone who did the botox under the arms thing and yeah, it worked. She stopped sweating under her arms. But the sweat still has to get out somewhere and it ended up on her lower back and ass. So I’d rather be a regular old pit stained loser than a weirdo butt sweater.


When I saw this post I immediately thought of a Post apocalyptic Stewie Griffin.

If it involves a medical doctor and my body, it’s fucking healthcare.

I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.

No dude I got straight up BANNED after The Post That Shall Not Be Named, then had to create a burner, which put me back in the greys (after commenting for like 3 years).

Can a girl get un-greyed finally so that she can have some emotional support for this diarrhea show

World of Warcraft: Do A Sit-Up

Man, Amy has been KILLING it lately. You go girl.

not everyone is a high value target, so not everyone is going to be targeted. Also, not everyone's social data (dob, pet names, friends, mothers, etc) are readily available on the web meaning it would be harder for a hacker to social engineer your passwords. For average people, strong passwords are a very good