
“I understand the difference between sneaking around and open relationships”

You understand the subtle yet important difference between an open relationship and sneaking around on someone. Perhaps your caps got in the way of seeing this? I don’t know.

It’s called general unhappiness with their life choices, and projecting that anger onto people who still have their life ahead of them.

ding ding ding do we have a winner

It is almost like they shouldn’t be allowed in the entertainment industry without the proper counseling. Almost! But hey, excuses excuses!

Holy shit, your sentences. Your paragraphs just gave me brain cancer. What is this typing you are doing?

Wow you pulled out the entire excuse caboose. As long as none of her decisions are her fault! That’s the important thing there.

Interesting how you have to accept a contract with a legal signature. She wasn’t forced into that shit, she chose it. And it makes all of her claims invalid, because she chose it.

Oh no, let’s get on the high horse, because your position essentially makes an excuse for exploitation of women in entertainment when they are teenagers.

Fact: Miley Cyrus has a great voice.


Came for comment. Left with butt sweater. This word pairing will have me befuddled for the next 30 hours.


It’s called power tripping, and there is a saying somewhere about absolute power corrupting absolutely, but I’ve long forgotten it and replaced it with images of cat videos.

Stop trying to make Lana Del Rey happen.

You read my mind. I watched this last night after years of not having seen it and the first thought that came to my head was your first point about bacteria and fungus.

Never even turned on Apple Music. Like I would ever listen to a Beats branded radio channel... and pay for it?? LOL

Think of it like this: it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to read it or not.

You know that big legal document you click “OK” to before install? Yeah.