
It sounds like you don’t understand air safety at all. They pose a gigantic risk and you should feel bad for being so stupid.

You do realize you can take a picture at a distance that is completely outside of the fire-attack zone right? Helicopters fighting fires need to drop WATER on the fire. The news helicopters use LIGHT to capture an image. Guess which works better at a completely safe distance?

Cue the hundreds of man-children so bored with life they’re going to become rabid with anger the moment you suggest they not fly their dumb fucking shit in places where they don’t belong.

Stop trying to justify idiots with RC quad copters getting the way of real work. I’ll make you a deal - if your house catches on fire, I’ll block the firefighters with a bunch of remote control douchebag machines so we can test your “it would have been that much different” theory.

My first thought: has anyone actually tried tying shit to a cat’s tail like this before? They don't like it.

Good then the 60 year old man with the broken boner won’t mind when I’m not cheering him on to cross any finish line.

Let’s take two cases: a man is depressed because his is 60 years old and can’t get boners anymore. A woman is depressed because she has breast cancer.

However, being depressed is an illness. Yes, you can always resent someone for taking advantage of you when you’re ill. If your partner had cancer, it’s just as normal for you to grow bitter over time if your needs aren’t also being met.

Are you twelve years old? You know there isn’t cell reception in every single nook and cranny of this country, right? And super old people tend to have major issues walking long distances in desert heat.

Being a 70 year old has something to do with it. When you are younger than that, your will to survive can be pretty strong. But I’ve known old people that die simply because their partner is dead, and the energy they received was what kept them going.

If you take away the sound track and just let the acting play out, that’s why. Kind of weak without the music behind it.

I think I’ll just wait for the reboot in 5 years. And then the next reboot 5 years after that. One of them is bound to not suck.

JJ gets the benefit of the doubt from me; I can’t pre-judge him. If Lucas was doing it, I would have already dismissed it as the return of Jar-Jar Binks.

You have to be naked in the hot springs; but one interesting thing can get in the way - they frown on use of public springs by people with tattoos. There is still a stigma attached to them (Yakuza). If you are inked, probably going to have to use a private hot spring.

I literally laughed so hard my lungs came out of my face and started tap dancing.

Wait a second, you mean using 2,000 year old Biblical standards to dictate how and when women should use their vaginas ISNT about controlling women? I’m confused as hell.

Yes. Pretty much. And it moves. And it should be noted that while not everyone’s experiences are the same, and experiencing it with multiple other sensory organs, makes it a little above and beyond these photos. But if someone had to show you art that closely represented a fantastic trip, you aren’t far off.

When is it okay to ask a woman anything? Answer: never.

Forgot your meds again?

Oh yeah man, those hawks, snakes, foxes, and coyotes have been STARVING since my back yard rodent count has dropped....