
More to the point: A cat consuming a mouse, bird or rat is in a state of predatory bliss. On top of that, not having a bunch of mice or rats inside my house is also a state of bliss.

The smartest cat I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning would pee all over your entire house if you didn’t let her outside to hunt. They’re happier outside, regardless of their life span. And this wrecking havoc on a local ecosystem thing you are talking about is part of evolution. One of my cats is extremely good at

Everything you said. All the stars.

We were both bi, both single mothers-to-be. She had gotten pregnant by chance, during a brief fling with a male lover. I had gotten pregnant by choice, using a sperm donor to conceive after breaking up with my ex-wife at age 37 and hearing the loud tick of my biological clock.

Its a selfish act done by selfish people in public places, which is literally a blatant disregard for other people bordering on hostility. It is, in and of itself, an act of aggression - “fuck you and your rules, public order.”

Hey Seth : You fucking ruined COSMOS. What a disjointed and baffling series.

Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to any type of relationship trouble assault and battery with intent to maim? LOL CHOPPIN’ DICKS LOL

You are talking about what it means to YOU, a white guy. Point missed entirely.

News Flash (well not really since its about 150 year old news at this point): the south lost, and for good reason, and flying this flag on any government property is an insult to everyone.

This is a good thing because it means if you get pregnant you will avoid damaging your baby. My wife loves her some booze, but was very very strict during that time. Trust me you’ll have plenty of time to drink later. They don’t call wine mommy candy for nothing.

Well you are fortunate I have absolutely zero religious incentive to offer advice. Mine comes strictly on the relationship you have with your husband. I don’t even know what pre-marital class is, but if I was teaching it one of the lessons in it would be “prepare yourself for the changes we all go through”. One of

Wait until your 30s. And really don’t use your birthday as a deadline - I can’t think of a worse way to ruin your birthday than to get into a fight about kids. Talk about it in your 30s the next time it feels relevant.

Oh noes, whatever will these grown men paid millions to hit a tiny plastic ball around outside ever do without their perfect manicured greens??? It’s Charleston all over again.

Want to be able to : flag your post as awesome.

Gandhi - India is cool and all but they have nukes. And brandish them.

So you are saying that it was super satisfying to choose the type of partner that would ghost you, then return months later after making the rounds, only to deny them? To multiple people?

So are you saying Jezebel gets a higher number of these than other Gawker media sites? Enough to write an article about it?

So you are saying: being black is a black and white issue?

1. Get back to the spirit of the books