You aren't Groot

There’s no pleasing some people.....

You know, I think I have made my peace with this movie. I’ll take goofy and fun (if badly made) over dour and rainy and grimdark (and badly made) any day of the week.

Don’t you understand?

I want more female lead characters, like anyone else, but I’m not sure why so many seem to be demanding this male character be remade into a female one. Sure, it’s possible in the fiction, but why is it so important? Why not make a new female character and have her establish herself on her own merits? Would that be

I was okay until that gif.

Damn. That says it all.

Of course she’s not a wolf...

Season 4 Princess Ahsokanoke confirmed.

(uncredited script rewrite by A. Moore and M. Moorcock)

“Also, the speaker has no cameras whatsoever.” unless you connect it to your home’s various smart devices. hue lights, smart thermostat. i myself have security cameras. id be screwed. good thing i dont buy apple products! 

Did you see 2001 in a theater when it first came out? If not, you are not old. Now, get out of my pod bay!

Now playing

Don’t you remember their HAL 9000 ad from... 18 YEARS AGO

Great casting. *severe eyeroll*

You can’t recognize Kristen Bell?

We all know who really did it:

my husband loves this game so so much, so it was delightful to see this

Lego Island was an excellent game.

I can’t believe this game isn’t lost to the ages. I adore it and spent so many hours trying to figure out what it was even about. There were so many secrets, and it was difficult as hell.

“I’m the pizza delivery guy; the dude with the food!”

I’m interested in playing this now. I was 7 in 97' and remember them marketing this game and always wanted it but never have a good PC for gaming.