
It’s almost as though the picture was chosen (or was left up even after being pointed out) deliberately to incite a higher degree of misguided outrage from the readership. Hmm.

I know I should be on the side of the mother...but I just can’t. I grew up in a community with VERY religious mormons. They controlled what their daughters wore all the time and were obsessed with modesty and purity. It seriously messed up some of them. My best friend is still in therapy to this day. Yes, women should

But it’s not that they necessarily make others uncomfortable- they are an actual physical barrier preventing human interaction and connection- that is not the case for a head covering, cross, yamaca (sp?) or other religious symbols etc

Or its a thinly veiled stab at blatant misogyny.

I am a feminist and also grew up in Saudi Arabia. I believe in personal freedkm to wear what you want but I think face veils cross the line. I think they are disrespectful and immigrants have to be able to assimilate to some extent. Keeping your face covered isolates a person and is an affront to the country that has

You’re making this a religious issue when it may not be, that’s just the conclusion everyone jumps to because it concerns a muslim so there must be an Islamophobia angle.

Good. In a modern, civilized society, a face is necessary. It’s for identification and communication, as most human communication is non-verbal. Look at any driver’s license. Our faces are there for a reason.

Ugh, this is going to be such an unpopular view but as a Canadian when I see the dash cam video, this is clearly an incident of gun laws not racism. Why are people carrying around guns in the first place? I just have a hard time believing “Jeronimo” frigging “Yanez” is a racist white cop like ‘the rest of them’. Yanez

Well maybe now he knows how it feels to hear a joke about race, to a person who looks around and doesnt see that many with a shared experience.


I agree 100%. This is a constant point of contention between my husband and me. We were both spanked as children, but for me I can tell you the two times I was spanked as a kid and what I did that got me spanked. He was spanked as a regular form of punishment. He always told me he was on the same page with me in terms

According to Scientific American, your comment is the most accurate summary of the science. And at least one cited source shows grounding to be the same as spanking, apparently.

Sure. But then we get into parsing flavors of hitting – what kind of hitting is good hitting, what kind is bad hitting. Which, will doable, is a bit of a difficult proposition.

It might be permissible hitting, in your view, but spanking is definitely hitting.

Yet if you did the same thing to an adult, it would be assault.

I hope you’re correcting their misunderstanding by telling them it’s only illegal aliens that should be worried. Let them know law abiding legal immigrants are fine.

an industry that we built

The Coen Brothers caught heat on jezebel for their lack of racial diversity esp. in their last movie ‘Hail Caesar’. A movie about Hollywood in the 1930/40s. The charcters were actors, directors, movie journalists and studio bigwigs. Having an all white cast made perfect sense, since there were barely any POC in those

None of the candidates have really spoken about climate change or its effects on the extreme weather and food and water stability, mass migration, and conflicts over resources, but good to know where Clinton stands on the real issues of the day!

And the way he handled it is categorically different from every other US