
Except for the fact that he never leaves the area around his podium, while she continuously goes over to his side of the stage and trying to claim his “territory”. Watch the video again and notice how she is literally standing a few feet away from HIS podium. Was he supposed to walk over to her side? I find it bizarre

Sorry, but I watched the entire exchange, and Acosta got absolutely destroyed.

Yep, I’ve seen girls as young as 6 wearing hijabs. Anyone who tells me they do it because it’s their preference can kindly fuck off.

Agreed. I wish people would stop defending the covering of one’s face on religious grounds. It’s simply not the same as wearing a yarmulke, or a cross, etc. Hiding your identity is an antisocial act, whether it’s in the form of a religious garment, or a ski mask. I can’t walk into a store or a bank with a ski mask on,

No mention of the name or race of the cop...hmmmmm.

I think you’re on to something. I’d love to go to a festival where women aren’t constantly climbing on guys’ shoulders, blocking my view. Day 1 of the festival can be without dudes. Day 2 without chicks!

Funny how you call him a civil rights leader. Race-baiter and charlatan would be more apropos. Also, he looks anorexic.

I can’t see so I’m going to sit on someone’s shoulders and block everyone else behind me from seeing anything. Fuck I hate music festival crowds.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs were OK, kind of a Pretenders/Siouxe hybrid, Ex-models were just cloning “The Pop Group.” Strokes maybe weren’t the best thing ever but they were legit at the time.

I’m baffled as to why he is even famous at all. His nasally voice is fucking horrible.

No, but punching a cop repeatedly and trying to take is gun away might be a death sentence.

My guess is that is if they allow him to compete with boys, they will have to allow male to female trans to be able to compete with women, which is a bad idea.

Actually all the Canadians I know (yes I live in Canada) are kind of “meh” about Trudeau. A lot of people just voted for him to get Harper out, and after a year of Trudeau the enthusiasm is waning. I don’t know why people are making such a big deal of the handshake, Trump was just testing him, seeing what he was

Yeah, those pesky facts can be annoying.

Something sounds fishy here, I think I’ll wait for the facts to come out on this one. Of course by the time the truth comes out everyone will have moved on to something else.

Remember the nazis justified violence against Jews because they saw them as an existential threat to their way of life. How is this different?

Maybe she should take her “Stop Killing Black People” message to Chicago.

Glad to see so many people supporting this. I think everyone should be able to punch anyone they don’t agree with.

The only thing shocking about the violent protests is that people are shocked- this same shit was happening at Trump rallies but the media just buried it.

It might not be abuse, but it’s assault.