
I’m surprised he’s not more upset about being referred to as boy..what would happen if the tables were turned, and Bo referred to a black man as boy?

Exactly...same as Jennifer Grey...they both had a quirky, down-to-earth appeal. The plastic surgery took the appeal (the same appeal that made them famous in the first place) away.

US is just as complicit as Russia in this clusterfuck

Lets make sure we jump to conclusions before all the facts come out.

For those who want to move to Canada, it might not be as easy as you think- they have immigration laws, and they enforce them!

CNN the arbiter of truth? I did not know that...

Is it not possible to both condemn rape (and the rapist) and also try and minimize exposure to certain situations? For example, robbery and assault are awful crimes, and the perpetrators are horrible human beings who should go to jail for a very long time, but can you not also tell people walking the street to be

Dang, his stuff is actually pretty good! Well, they do say narcissists make the best artists.

Let’s not conflate immigrants w/ illegal aliens.

Term limits- fantastic idea. Congressmen (and women) are forced to campaign almost incessantly from the time they take office...this needs to stop.

Does it make you feel better to think that Trump voters were motivated by race? I’ll bet you a lot of Bernie supporters voted for Trump as well b/c Hillary represents the establishment, and people are sick of the revolving door of money and politics. I don’t know if Trump will be able to do anything about it, but you

Total crap..Trump started off with a loan from his father..but he built his company from there. If you don’t work hard and you don’t know what you’re doing, you can’t make it in business. Look at GW Bush for example...he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but couldn’t run a company for shit, let alone the

What a dishonest piece of garbage...this is why people voted for Trump- they are tired of everything being looked at through the prism of race or gender. First of all, Barry wouldn’t have been elected (both times) without a ton of white support- how do you explain that? Second, people DO NOT LIKE HILLARY..she’s

She should be ashamed of herself for appropriating that hairstyle from the Greeks

What makes you think Trump would start a nuclear war? yes, I’m being serious.

And at the very same concert the rappers sharing the stage with her are calling women bitches and hos. Hmm.

So I guess Hillary is OK with misogyny and slurs against women as long as it’s coming from black rappers and singers? The level of irony here is farcical.

Guarantee you he voted for Trump, but like a lot of people he can’t admit it b/c he doesn’t want to deal w/ the backlash.

Michelle Obama on Hillary: “If you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the white house.”

The claim is that there were multiple requests for more security, and they were denied. Hillary likely didn’t handle all (or any) of the requests for more security, although as the head of the dept she ultimately shoulders the responsibility for how her dept is run. Additionally there was the spin afterwards (that the