
I just find it kind of ridiculous to tell writers what they should be writing about. Most writers write about the world they know, and the world the Coens know is a white world. That’s what they like to write about..this really should not be a problem.

Dunkin D-OHHHHHH-Nuts.

Girls in school can be mean as hell too, duh.

Hillary could very well be going to jail as well.

What would we do without people like Louis CK to tell us who to vote for? I really hate all the celebrities/artists/comedians/musicians talking about politics all the time now. FUCK. OFF. EVERYONE.

Was Comey in the tank for Trump when he initially exonerated Hillary of criminal activity, even though he clearly said what she did was reckless, and that an FBI employee probably would have been in deep shit if he/she had done the same? My guess is that Comey had enough to charge her, but didn’t want to be blamed

No, she’s not anti-vaxx.

This was a joke, as opposed to Democratic operatives caught on tape actually admitting to intentionally inciting violence at Trump rallies.

Ironic how the countries people want to go to make it difficult to emigrate there, eh?

The worst thing you can do is have kids if you don’t want to have kids.

DC had a gritty vibe up to the 90s, then they started gentrifying the whole city. For a city with such a rich history, the people there (men and women) are boring AF now. DC is one of the fittest cities though..on any given summer weekend you’ll see super in-shape men and women jogging and working out w/ minimal

Maybe Lynch and her cronies should have cooperated w/ the investigation the first time ‘round.

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” then-New York Senator Clinton told the Jewish Press, a New York-based weekly newspaper, several months after the January election.

Wonder if Hillary asked her for a donation.

Black women are just as hateful towards white women who sleep with black men.

Great comment. People are not helping their cause by ripping up signs, pulling hats off people’s heads, yelling and screaming at rallies, blocking traffic, inciting/condoning/committing act of violence against Trump supporters, etc.

While Secretary of State, Hillary had access to extremely sensitive top secret information, and treated the security protocols with disdain, as if it was beneath her or irritating to have to worry about protecting sensitive data. Why does anyone need to use bleach bit to scrub their hard drive clean if there’s nothing

Funny, smart, nice? You left out rich, well-connected, powerful.

You must not read this site very much then.